Friday, February 29, 2008

Why can't we have a tropical island day at work?

So, the little piggy had tropical island day at school today... I share the picture with others at work and intern jon asks "why can't we have a tropical island day at work?" This prompts me to finally write a blog that I've been meaning to write for a while...

Why are most old software companies so lame?

Well, the quick answer is because we all can't be as cool as
Marissa Mayers and the Google team.

Really, there are reasons why we all can't be as cool. There happens to be a function in this world for lame old software companies and as your mentor, I will now tell you what that is...

If we weren't around who would...

  • focus only on the next 3 months?
  • hire all those developers that like to develop for the sake of developing?
  • focus on business politics?
  • hide information from employees so they can't do their job?
  • make every effort to be difficult and stop progress?
  • send tons of lengthy, uninspiring, angry email?
Oh.. I think this list can go on. So now you see intern jon (or not-peter as I like to call you), we can't have Tropical Island day at work because we're too busy finding reasons why we can't innovate. However, don't fret, once you become a head honcho, you'll have tropical island day when ever you want!

In the end, the purpose of this blog was to show the little piggy in her new shades and to share a very nice article about innovation. Now I have to go back to making everyones job difficult.

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