Get someone to drive you to the location...
Making vroom, vroom noises helps...Then, find a tree and jump on someones sholders to get to the top!
Or, you can climb up on your own...
work, family, general rants... just a little bit of everything
Intern Jon graduated recently and I totally forgot to let everyone know his new name "Associate Jon". Now, let me be clear... he had graduated from college a ways back, this new graduation was graduating from an underpaid Intern to an underpaid full-time employee at the boring ol' software company. Being that I'm no longer in the same group and I don't interact with Intern... I mean Associate Jon often, his graduation wasn't apparent to me until yesterday when I tried to call JC to ask a question and he wasn't in. I was searching around for someone to call and then remembered... Ah ha! I'll call Intern Jon. Well, Intern (now Associate) Jon had the answer and then we got to talking. I mentioned that I would blog about the wonderful response he gave me (which I forgot already) and he said "will you call me Intern Jon even though I'm no longer an Intern?" Well, I was embarrassed. I'd been calling him the Intern even though he's now one of us! Not good. In the end, we both agreed that "Associate Jon" is an appropriate upgrade from his former name.
Well, Associate Jon, I hope defensive driving was really fun last night and afterwards, while you were sitting in your unregistered, uninsured scratched up Eclipse in your garage you were extremely happy that I would highlight your graduation from Intern to Associate on this very well read blog.
Talk to you soon!