Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Super-storm Sandy: A Blessing in Disguise?

This past weekend, 11 months and 2 weeks from the day that SuperStorm Sandy devastated our area and destroyed our home, we moved back into our newly renovated and updated house.  It's gorgeous, if I do say so myself.  The design is updated, everything is NEW and fresh and clean.  Everything is top notch or at least as top notch as we can afford.  We have a new foundation, walls, plumbing, electric, natural gas, paint, design, colors, furniture, bathrooms, kitchen, bedrooms, appliances, etc, etc... it's truly amazing all that our contractor (Billy Flanzer of Flanzer Construction) and my husband have done to get this place in order.  I will say this:  I am blessed to be surrounded by all this beautiful stuff and to now have a home to enjoy with our family for years to come.
I'm so happy about moving back home that I almost forgot the heartache, stress and physical pain we all endured this past year.  My sense of optimism WANTS me to claim that the storm was a blessing in disguise.  Matter of fact, so many people have said it.  They say, "WOW, you made out after the storm", "Oh how beautiful your home is, wasn't this a blessing in disguise", "We can't feel sorry for you anymore! Your house is amazing!" or less directly "aren't you glad you did all the work now?"
However, this pain and suffering is not yet over.  Despite the beautiful home, there are lasting negative effects of Super-storm Sandy that I don't think I can forget just yet. (Sorry optimists!)  Here's a few I simply can't get out of my head...

  1. I have lost my sense of security that if you do the right things, you will be rewarded:  Thanks to the federal government, insurance and mortgage industries my sense of security and trust has been completely destroyed.  As I continue to fight for my insurance settlement, and get lost in unnecessary paperwork, phone calls, incorrect information, etc., they destroy me more and more each day.  This will not go away.  None of their processes, systems or people will change.  It saddens me (and worries me) that other people will have to deal with the same things we've dealt with this past year.  I really need to write a book or something to help these poor people!  Unfortunately, since the process and systems only get worse each day, and the people are less and less focused on helping others get through the mess, anything I write will be irrelevant in minutes.
  1. My aching back, his cough, the kids' unhealthy attachment to their toys... they're all after effects of the storm.  I am physically injured due to stress and falling down the stairs, and then again falling through our broken deck and lifting heavy boxes through the 4 moves we made this past year.  My husband has been coughing since October 30, 2012... the day after the storm.  The mold, dust, exhaustion has gotten to him but unfortunately there is no test to prove it, no "cure" to take.  The only indication is his cough.  It's constant and almost reflexive.  He doesn't go 3 minutes without coughing and he's a 30-something, healthy man.  My kids are confused, they don't understand nor are as resilient as everyone says they are.  The baby (2 year old) hasn't lived in one place long enough to know what is home.  She has anxiety when new people are around, she holds onto her "stuff" and is possessive over people taking her toys.  She has to bring EVERYTHING with her when we leave the house.  Now, this may be regular 2 year old behavior... but her night terrors are real, her confusion when she gets out of bed each night searching for mommy and daddy is real.  The 6 year old is more resilient.  She was just so happy to ride her bike again and have her room with all her things.  She's excited to ride the bus to school again with her friends and have a play date with the kids in the area.  She's planning fun things but has sacrificed a lot for a little kid. She's also possessive over little things that she's collected. It's almost hording behavior and she won't give up a thing no matter what compromise we make.
  1. Our financial situation is not pretty.  We've always lived within our means.  Both my husband and I work full time (60-70 hours a week) on salary, the kids are in school/daycare/aftercare, we take one vacation a year, focus on saving for retirement, pay our credit cards off each month in full, are never behind on the bills and don't have to borrow from anyone.  In this past year all those ideals have broken down.  Our life savings is spent, we've borrowed A LOT of money, our credit cards are maxed and we're only making minimum payments.  Yes we invested in our home to make it better than it was before but that all came at a huge cost.  We no longer have our emergency fund and we owe money to so many people that it's a full time job to track.  I know we'll get things back in order, but that comes at a cost of my own sanity and our credit score.

Well then, lets get off of this pity party.  We're "blessed" in that we do have a semi-healthy family, a home to grow in (that is beautiful!) and a lifetime to live.  It was amazing eating our first home cooked meal.  Doing the basic stuff like playing with the kids on the floor or going for a walk down the block make us feel amazing.  I missed this so much.  I really felt my stress level go down the minute we moved back home.
Over the next few months I'll continue to fight for our money from Wells Fargo, our mortgage company (they're holding it in escrow), from our insurance company National Flood Insurance Program and from FEMA. We hope we will get grant money from the NY Rising program despite the fact that we make an income.  It took me 3 full days to fill out that application! AND last but not least, we will recover.

Our Family has only just started recovering - our mental recovery will take a while but being home was the biggest and first step in that recovery.  I only hope that others who are still rebuilding, still displaced and still begging for their money from their insurance and mortgage companies get what they need to move forward.
So, thank you to all our friends, family and neighbors who have wished us well along the way.  We are blessed to have you to help us through and hold us up through the difficult times.  I do not ask for your pity, only your support and understanding that going through a disaster like Super-storm Sandy will never really be a "Blessing in Disguise".  I would much rather have renovated my house within my own means, on a schedule without uprooting my family, wreaking havoc on our lives and financial situation.

No, Sandy was not a Blessing.  But we learned from the experience and are stronger because of it.


Thursday, February 7, 2013

WNYC Interview of Sandy Czar Shaun Donovan leaves much to be desired

#sandy #disaster #wnyc

I listened to an interview of Shaun Donovan aka the Sandy Czar this morning on WNYC NY Public Radio.  Interesting interview where Mr. Donovan claimed that there was so much help available.  I think they forgot about a few things so I left this comment on their site:

----Begin Comment----
I'm a bit unimpressed by this interview this morning.  Soterios let Shaun Donovan off scott free by not diving into his comment regarding insurance.  Mr. Donovan stated “if they have insurance, they need to work with their insurance companies to get that”.  Interesting comment as none of these FEMA funds he is referring to during the interview are available to homeowners who have not yet heard back from their insurance companies… EVEN if their insurance company happens to be the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) administered by the US Department of Homeland Security (and FEMA).  It’s been 3 months and I haven’t heard any idea of when we’ll receive our money from NFIP.  When you call to complain, they hang up on you.  I just received my insurance renewal bill in the mail from FEMA/NFIP… they were on time with the bill and even raised it a few hundred dollars but they can’t even remotely respond to me on our claim from 3 months ago.  Now that’s a story NPR should be reporting.  The true story of why Sandy victims are still in a bind despite all the “help” available.  By the way, I live in western-Suffolk county which was hit hard by Sandy.  Don’t forget about us tax paying, insurance covered, homeowners over here that are struggling to find a place to live in the aftermath.
----End Comment----

Let's see if they respond...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

NYS complaint center response 30 days later "you logged your complaint in the wrong system"

A month ago I read an article in Newsday that stated if you're having trouble getting a response from your insurance company, log a complaint with the NYS Department of Financial Services here-

So, of course, I filed a complaint.

30 days later, I recieve a call from this complaint center only to be informed that my insurance company (National Flood Insurance Program) is a federal entity and therefore NYS can't follow up on my complaint. Instead, I have to log a complaint with the Federal Government.

So being facetious, I ask the woman on the phone "how do I log a complaint about the NYS complaint system?"

Yea, that got me nowhere... ;)


Monday, February 4, 2013

When "Charity" Runs Out...

#sandy #fraud #sandyvictim It’s been 3 months… and today I’ve hit my bullsh!t limit.

If you are easily offended, please do not read on.

Here are some stories that everyone in their cushy homes and their comfortable situations can ooohh and ahhh about and say “I’m sorry” and “this is terrible” and “this isn’t right” and then go on their merry way.

Yes, this is a bit of bitter mixed with a dash of hostile served up in a cocktail of frustration for your reading pleasure!

Three months into this Sandy saga and we are no further along than we were the day after the storm. No insurance response, no place to live close by, no money in hand, no building permit, no architects plans, no regular schedule… (shall I go on or do you get my drift?)

Every few days we still go to our oil flooded home and pick up the mail… I haven’t changed our mailing address for two reasons; (1) it is added confusion and we simply aren’t permanent at any other location and (2) my sense of pride and my arrogance (two things no one can take away from me) refuses to receive mail at another other location but my HOME.

Well, I picked up the mail this Saturday afternoon and saw 2 letters from FEMA. When I opened them I realized they were from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) which is the insurance company I pay to insure my home from Flood. Yes, the same insurance company (government funded) that has NOT responded to my requests for information on my claim.

Guess what they sent me? I’ll give you a hint… what do you think they should be sending me at this point 3 months down the road? Ok… now you have that in your head, flip it 180 degrees… what is it now?

Yes, you got it! THEY SENT ME A BILL!

They want to collect my next year’s insurance payment at $700 more than last year’s payment. Yep… they want to collect that money and they STILL haven’t given me my money that they owe me or any indication of what I should expect to receive for my claim.
All of this after:
- J was in the hospital Saturday morning due to cutting his hand on a broken dish and needing stitches
- I fell down the stairs and literally broke my butt on Monday; and on Sunday limped 5 miles of a ½ marathon due to a foot injury
- My daughter hasn’t slept a full night since we moved into J’s Uncles house; so I’m on 3-4 hours of sleep a night
- I have a tearing pain in my shoulder and a never-ending stiff neck from sleeping in a 50 year old bed
- Another cold shower because the place we’re staying has a problem with letting me ever have a hot shower (J gets in the shower and it works… I get in.. it’s cold)
- The DVD player broke just as we were attempting to watch a movie as a family for the first time since the storm (well at least we finagled the computer and a makeshift indoor campsite to get it working)
- None of the people offering apartments for rent have called me back; they are not wanting to rent to people with kids (yea sure it’s illegal but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen)

OH and don’t forget that the next few weeks are going to be absolute hell because J is traveling and I’ll be dealing with the kids, the 2hrX2hr commute and the job all on my own.

Seriously people, I CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP!

Back to the bill from NFIP - So what do I do with this bill? What do you think I should do with it… maybe I should have a vote on this… burning paper airplane? return to sender with a nice “F YOU” message on the front? Scan a copy and send it to my adjuster as a claim?

Well at the time all were possibilities but instead, I did the semi-sane thing and shook my head and pulled out of my oil ridden driveway to drive to my cousins house so I could attempt to forget the ridiculousness for a few hours.

And now for... "this is what made me go insane":

NFIP stands for “No Fing Info People”?
Monday morning hits an I’m on a new path to fixing all my problems. I have phone numbers, fax numbers, paperwork, the works in my bag and I’m headed off to work. I make my first phone call just to find the fax number to NFIP (my insurance company) and this is where everything goes terribly wrong (dun dun dunnnn)…

A lovely lady by the name of Porsha (I swear… not making this up) verifies my information and I ask her for the fax number and she says, “Mam, is your husband there? I need to confirm with him that I can speak with you about your account.” WHAT?!?!?! I have called over 30 times to this call center in the past 3 months and they have NEVER said I couldn’t talk to them because I wasn’t on the account. So, 4 people later, being hung up on 3 times by the manager (Barbara), by the employee, etc. and I’m nowhere. I can’t even get the damn fax number!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! I call back and speak with a nice gentleman and I don’t give him my account info… instead, I ask him for the fax number and guess what? He gives it to me! Is that crazy or what? I proceed to find out that my adjuster has finally submitted his paperwork to NFIP and they can’t give me any information for 7 days. Don’t ask me why it will take 7 days or how they determined 7 days was a good time to add to the 3 months I’ve already been waiting but they said 7 days so I’m sticking with it. J proceeded to call the adjuster and tell him he is out of compliance for not sharing the info with us directly and scared him into the sending the information to us via email. All that and all we had to do was have J call the adjuster and threaten to tell on him. REALLY PEOPLE?!??! CAN THIS GET ANY MORE DIFFICULT?!
Oh… BTW, we still have to pay the bill or it will go against our credit. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ok… on to the next one

Apartment Mess: I receive a phone call from the apartment complex that we are applying to so we can move back into the area and reduce my 2 hour each way commute down to 30 minutes a day. The woman Karen tells me that they’ve increased the price of the apartment. When did this happen? On Saturday, the day before I handed in my application. Why didn’t they tell me this on Sunday? They didn’t understand the terms so they were unable to communicate this then. So now they want to charge a sur-charge for the lease being less than 1 year. All this from an apartment complex that is advertising “Help for Sandy Victims” and they even had an article written up in the local Patch stating that they were the only place in my area that were helping people by modifying lease terms and reducing the security payments. At first I complained to her. How could she change the terms 1 day after I handed in my application!?!

Then I literally BEGGED this lady to fix this problem. She wouldn’t give me the contact information for the landlord but called me back an hour later and stated that she can give me the lowered security fee but will still have to charge me the surcharge. This is how “charity” runs out. My recourse, nada… I need a place to live. I can’t complain, report them, etc. because then I’d have nowhere to go!

Building Permit: We can’t get a building permit to raise our home until we have an architect’s drawing. We can’t start work on the house at all until we have a building permit. The architect said he’d be done in 2 weeks, it’s been 4 and yes, we’ve already paid him the first payment.
Rock. Me. Hard place.

AT&T Service is Down:
We are living in another town at J’s uncles house. We don’t have internet access at said house. Instead, I worked with my company to purchase a wireless 4g hotspot so that I can connect to the internet at “home”. I also signed up for AT&T service through my iPad and guess what? My phone service is also AT&T. On Friday a problem began with the cell tower in our area. All 4g/3g service is down until February 10th. There is nothing they can do to help me.

I can’t make this stuff up.

Ok so my Monday absolutely made my head spin. I’m done… reached my limit in being nice to people on the phone, and following the godforsaken process and still being hit with a NO WIN, YOU LOSE situation.

What recourse do I have in any of these situations? Nothing. Absolutely nothing can be done other than write a letter and hope your local officials look into it. These places should be fined for the way they’ve done business and the money should go to the people effected!

But no, our officials are focused on “ousting LIPA” to blame them for not restoring power in time and passing laws about gas stations having enough gas during a storm. Seriously? What about the people that are still suffering? What are you doing for them? Answer is… NOTHING (oh but the Patch will write an article if you want.)

Shall I come back in another month and tell you that nothing has changed or is this story getting old?


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Race Log 2013

Date Race Name Race Length Time Pace
1/5/2013 Joe Kleinerman 10K Classic (NYRR-Central Park) 10k (6.2 Miles) 1:02:27 10:05

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Going Crazy, Must Swim, Please Provide Access to Nearby Pool!

Going Crazy, Must Swim, Please Provide Access to Nearby Pool!

It seems that everywhere we turn lately there is a roadblock.  People have moved on from Superstorm Sandy and they don’t have the appetite to help anymore.  A few weeks ago I tried to find a place to swim close to our new temporary residence.  However, another door shut in my face.

Here is my letter to the Town of Hempstead Supervisor, Kate Murray regarding providing me access to a local pool for triathlon training.  I sent it in through their website today ( hoping that they’ll find a way around their rules for once.

Note that items in red have been changed to help ensure the privacy of myself and others involved.

----Start Letter----
To: Kate Murray, Town of Hempstead Supervisor

My family and I lost our home in Town, NY to Super storm Sandy back at the end of October.  For the past 8 weeks, we have been living at a family member home  (name of family member “Uncle”) at Street Name, West Hempstead.  We have all been through a lot the past few weeks and know that we will have to remain out of our home for at least another 8 months.  Uncle has welcomed us to stay at his home and although it is quite far from our home town, school and work, my husband, two young girls and I will continue to live there until we are able to get back home.  We simply do not have any other options.

I am a training athlete; often running, biking and newly (the past year) swimming as well.  I completed two sprint triathlons in 2012 and am hoping to continue onto longer competitions this year.  I also do work full time so my training is limited to early mornings, late nights and weekends.  About 3 weeks ago, I called the Echo Park facility to see if there was any way I could swim there on Saturday’s.  I explained my situation to the woman on the phone and she was quite empathetic and wanted to help me.  I explained that I do have a pool I can swim at near my home.  The cost is around $10 a session but unfortunately, it is almost an hour’s drive away from where we are living now.  With two young children, it is impossible for me to be away for over 3 hours on a Saturday.

She said she would have to speak with her supervisor but was going to do anything possible to help me get a temporary pass to the pool as (she explained) the pool is only open to residents of the Town of Hempstead. 

My husband’s parents live very close to Echo Park.  They would typically watch my children while I go train. I’m living on Street Name, which is within running/biking distance to the park as well.  It would be best if I could do my swim training at this facility due to its ideal location. 

Unfortunately, about an hour after my call to Echo Park, the woman I spoke with called me back and was very upset to share with me that her supervisor said there was nothing he could do to help me.  The park is only open to residents of the Town of Hempstead and since I do not have any bills in my name at the Street Name address and my driver’s license still shows me living in Town, NY, I am not able to use the facility.  I even offered to bring in a bill from Uncle to show that he owns this house on Street Name or perhaps show a rental agreement but that was not sufficient.  She explained that my license must show I live at Street Name.

I am writing this letter in the hopes that you will reconsider this policy or perhaps make a single exception for me for the next 8 months so that I can swim in a pool close to my temporary home.  Also, I read on the Town of Hempstead website that there is a non-district resident access available to the pool however, the folks at Echo Park were adamant “non-district” still meant that you had to be a resident of the Town of Hempstead as “district” meant that you live in West Hempstead.  Please help me understand the true rules of use.

Thank you for your consideration,
Phone Number

----End Letter----

Let's see what happens... shall we?