Friday, December 12, 2008

and then the phone rings...

I was out with friends a few nights ago and we were talking about our families. Of course I took out my blackberry to show everyone the latest pictures of the little piggy. This is when I came across one picture… Aww, how cute! - right?

Yea, well after I tell you this story (as I told everyone that night), I'm not so sure you'll be saying that.

One night, I was changing the little piggy’s stinky diaper while she was standing up. Just as I went to wipe the stinky away from her bottom, she decided to run away. Over to the wood floor she stood there and subsequently decided to pee on the floor. Then getting all scared, she began running over to me… slipping in the pee, mushing the poop on her bottom and nicely landing in the puddle of absolute disgusting mess. Now she is crying hysterical, I am almost crying of laughter then she decides to try to get up and to hug me. Oh no I say and I run away like a big baby. The crying gets worse, and then the phone starts ringing. I reach for the baby wipes, they’re empty of course so I’m running around the house, searching for baby wipes while the phone is ringing and the little piggy is screaming hysterically reaching out at me and crying that I won’t pick her pee soaked, poopy butt up. I then wipe her up quickly and try to grab the phone as she starts climbing on me (pee and poop included). I answer the phone (that’s been ringing non-stop for 5 minutes) it’s my husband letting me know that his plane didn’t leave yet (an hour late). “Not important” I scream. "I have a poopy butt, pee soaked child on my hip with no baby wipes and the sink is full so I can’t wash her off quickly. Everything is crazy… stop calling the phone!!!!" Click. I then did the best at trying to clean out the sink of all the dirty dishes so that I could stick her butt under the faucet and clean her off. In the end, this is the result…

Now, what do you see?

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