I noticed that I'm really good at hectic days. Everyday I walk into the office really is an acomplishment. For instance, last week, I had a lot to do. My ultimate goal was to get into the office by 9 am at least with a slew of other things to do.
It all started around 9 pm the night before, when I was so tired, I went to sleep.
- 9:00 pm - 12:00 am --> sleeping in a dead sleep
- 12:00 am --> quickly awoken by a screaming child with a fever of 102 degrees
- 3:00 am --> back to sleep after a slew of medicine, changing diapers, water, luke-warm compressess
- 5:00 am --> woke up again from a stiff kick to the kidney by my very accurate daughter (wait, I thought I put her to bed!)
- 5:15 am --> back to sleep (I think)
- 6:20 am --> missed the alarm, rushing out of bed and into the shower
- 6:25 am - 6:45 am --> Showering, dressing, makeup, all that stuff, take medicine and pack my work clothes and baby's clothes for changing at my parents house (you'll see why later)
- 6:45 am --> start the car, it's damn cold out, pack everything in the car
- 6:50 am --> pick up baby from the bed, wake up husband, wrap baby in blanket and get in the car
- 7:00 am --> get to parents house, hand baby off to dad/mom, give her milk, show them where her diapers are, run out of house to go to get an MRI
- 7:15 am --> at MRI place on time!!!! yey
- 7:40 am --> the damn people finally call me in, why did I rush again?
- 8:00 am --> done with noisy MRI, back in waiting room waiting for them to burn a CD
- 8:30 am --> they finally burned the CD with my brain images on it and I leave to go pick up the little piggy
- 8:40 am --> get to parents house, get dressed in work clothes, get piggy dressed in clothes, grab a cookie for breakfast (so healthy) and run out the door (with the kid of course)
- 8:50 am --> on the road, stop 3 times to wipe the piggy's nose
- 9:20 am --> arrive at work, drop of the piggy in daycare and run down the hall to arrive at my training class for which I'm already 20 minutes late
- 9:30 am --> arrive in the training class where everyone is introducing themselves
- 9:35 am --> get singled out by the teacher to go pick out an object that best represents myself. I look on the table full of gumby's, play dough, puzzle pieces and there, right in front of me is a big old toy brain like this...
So, I pick up the brain and it breaks in half and falls on the floor. Yea, my brain hurts. I pick up the pieces and some how conjure together a story of how the brain represents me citing my recent brain scan as an example. I sit down and sigh. I made it! I'm so proud of myself.
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