Monday, December 14, 2009

Can I Borrow Your Christmas Tree?

Every year the weekend after Thanksgiving, we go up to Jones Family Farm to cut down our very own, one of a kind Christmas Tree. This is a tradition from J's family since he was young so we continue it with glee each year. Also, every year since he's had his own Christmas Tree, J has had a competition with his dad to find the VERY BEST Christmas Tree. So we typically take about 2 hours to find the best Christmas tree and then have to search around for where we left our gloves to reserve the other "Best" trees. This year we had a great time as it was very warm. Less frost, the better I say!

Now back to the title of this story. Since the rivalry has continued it is always a topic of conversation. This year is no different. Who's tree is nicer, who's is fuller, who's has better shape and on and on... IMHO - our tree has way too little branches at the top and could be a bit fuller but has a great shape while my in-law's tree is very full but looks a bit short and stumpy. There's no such thing as a perfect tree!!!
Well, yesterday we went over my in-laws to decorate their tree (another tradition) as we're finishing up dinner and the kids are running away from the table, Livvy walks over to her grandmother and says. "Mandma? Can I borrow your tree?" We all look at her and wonder what the heck she's talking about. So Grandma says "What tree do you want to borrow?" and Livvy walks over to the Christmas tree and to her dad's disappointment says "This tree. I like this tree."
Well, enough of the arguing the "Christmas Bush" as J has dubbed it due to it's short-stout nature, is the best tree this year. I don't mind because I decorated both trees and had a great time doing it.
Merry Christmas everyone!

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